I'm a man in my early 40s and aging is almost comforting once you accept it. It's kind of freeing to realize that your tastes are no longer relevant as far as pop culture is concerned and people are paying way less attention to you. I left NYC the day I turned 34 and have never regretted the decision. 11 years was enough. The idea of staying out until 4am on a night out and getting off the trains as the sun comes up sounds wretched. I think I've stayed out until 2am once in the past couple of years and I immediately regretted it. Can't even imagine still trying live like I did in my 20s now, maybe I never liked it much to start with.
One day I thought I'd look up the kinds of condos and apartments my wife and I could afford in NYC now, just for kicks, and the only thing I could thing I could think was, "I don't know how I ever put up with that shit." Looking at those sad, decrepit, beat up condos that cost more than a 2,500 sq ft took the romance out of city life very quickly. I actually kind of regret my time there now, feel like I threw away an entire decade of my life and have absolutely nothing to show for it.
I’m in my 40s and have even less than money than I did in my 30s. I couldn’t go out until 4am even if I wanted to. But it does help that I’m not so inclined to anymore…
The most annoying carrying things around aspect of parenthood only lasts like 3 years, after that (and toward the end of it too) they become basically your wackiest friend
Thank god u'll still be posting in 5 yrs. This is like 1 of 3 substacks i actually read & am excited to see stuff from. Hope u can make a notes on berlin post some day <3
This text is hilarious, I felt very very reflected in absolute everything. I'll give you a terrifying tropo of our age: the sudden reappearance of an old unrealized love from your 20s...
one of the dumbest white lady things to come out of the internet in the last decade has been “'Invisible Woman Syndrome” a phenomenon in which older women feel like people “stop seeing” them as they age, but really what they mean is that they stop receiving the attention from being a young beautiful woman. i suspect many beautiful women feel a deep sense of loss when their pussy is sadly removed from the pussy pedestal, something that happens to every attractive woman when the clock strikes midnight on her 40th birthday (50th if NYC, LA, MIAMI, DENVER)."
I thought human women were bitching that they were objectified. Now they're bitching that they aren't.
Anyway, I thought human women were removed fromt he pussy pedestal at a younger age in NYC, LA, or Miami?
I have faith in you that a leering gay will inadvertently piss on you one day at Berghain
thank you chris means a lot
I'm a man in my early 40s and aging is almost comforting once you accept it. It's kind of freeing to realize that your tastes are no longer relevant as far as pop culture is concerned and people are paying way less attention to you. I left NYC the day I turned 34 and have never regretted the decision. 11 years was enough. The idea of staying out until 4am on a night out and getting off the trains as the sun comes up sounds wretched. I think I've stayed out until 2am once in the past couple of years and I immediately regretted it. Can't even imagine still trying live like I did in my 20s now, maybe I never liked it much to start with.
One day I thought I'd look up the kinds of condos and apartments my wife and I could afford in NYC now, just for kicks, and the only thing I could thing I could think was, "I don't know how I ever put up with that shit." Looking at those sad, decrepit, beat up condos that cost more than a 2,500 sq ft took the romance out of city life very quickly. I actually kind of regret my time there now, feel like I threw away an entire decade of my life and have absolutely nothing to show for it.
I’m in my 40s and have even less than money than I did in my 30s. I couldn’t go out until 4am even if I wanted to. But it does help that I’m not so inclined to anymore…
The most annoying carrying things around aspect of parenthood only lasts like 3 years, after that (and toward the end of it too) they become basically your wackiest friend
Thank god u'll still be posting in 5 yrs. This is like 1 of 3 substacks i actually read & am excited to see stuff from. Hope u can make a notes on berlin post some day <3
ty mp, always good to see u pop up
I'm going to just place you on a pedestal for this great article.
you can never be too old to party in berlin
This text is hilarious, I felt very very reflected in absolute everything. I'll give you a terrifying tropo of our age: the sudden reappearance of an old unrealized love from your 20s...
clocky... you've unlocked something . clocky...............
I listened to your Revenge/Substance episode. Instantly hooked.
thank you for listening <3!! we appreciate it
A truly stunning post my word
wait, but if 30 is the new 20, shouldn’t 40 be the new 30?
"On “Invisible Woman Syndrome”:
one of the dumbest white lady things to come out of the internet in the last decade has been “'Invisible Woman Syndrome” a phenomenon in which older women feel like people “stop seeing” them as they age, but really what they mean is that they stop receiving the attention from being a young beautiful woman. i suspect many beautiful women feel a deep sense of loss when their pussy is sadly removed from the pussy pedestal, something that happens to every attractive woman when the clock strikes midnight on her 40th birthday (50th if NYC, LA, MIAMI, DENVER)."
I thought human women were bitching that they were objectified. Now they're bitching that they aren't.
Anyway, I thought human women were removed fromt he pussy pedestal at a younger age in NYC, LA, or Miami?
Today marks the day where you’re as old as you’ve ever been and as young as you’ll ever be
Why 50s in NYC?
women here age well imo
They actually still walk places, too.
easy access to botox
Very enjoyable, identify a lot with it as a fellow childless woman only 1 year younger living in NYC.
Love your take on “what’s next”. I’ve recently come to terms with it being the same shit, different day from here on out. It’s totally fine!